Black Sun - our nature

Distance: 1.19 Km

 | +45 75 44 61 61 | |  Vadehavscentret | 
A magnificent natural phenomenon, where the dance of the starlings in the sky is in reality a dance of life and death, as the beautiful formations are caused by birds of prey that hunt the starlings.

If you are in the process of planning strategy for the coming year, in the middle of a creative process or have to make other business decisions and need a break in your meeting or conference, black sun is just the right thing to stop and recharge thoughts fly.
Black sun is a beautiful and completely unique natural phenomenon. The dancing movements of the stars in the air form fascinating patterns in the sky above the marsh before the birds fly down to earth for the night. It is pure therapy for the mind to observe.


Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
Black Sun in the marsh by Ribe Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Black Sun against the evening sky Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
black sun by the Wadden Sea Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Starling in flocks | Black Sun Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Black sun over Ribe Cathedral Photographer: Jens Karsten Jørgensen Copyright: Jens Karsten Jørgensen