The museum Ribes Vikings - our history

Distance: 0.57 Km

 | +45 76 16 39 60 | |  Ribes Vikings | 
Get answers on how Ribes inhabitants lived and how the city arose, then Ribe was an important trading city throughout Europe.

The answers can be found at Ribes Vikings through the exhibitions of the unique archaeological finds. Here you can experience the history of Ribe from the beginning of the 700th century, all the way up through the Viking Age and the Middle Ages to the year 1700. The Vikings' marketplace flourished in the years 710-850, and the Viking Age exhibition is full of beautiful objects from the workshops of the bronze caster, pearl maker and comb maker.

In the exhibition about the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Ribe is told about everyday life, including health, illness and play, about monasteries and churches and the rich trade in Ribe. The story is interesting for both families with children and people with a special interest in archeology and history, everyone can have a good experience here.


Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
the facade of the Museum Ribes Vikings Photographer: The Museum Ribes Vikings Copyright: The museum Ribes Vikings
Viking boat in the exhibition at Ribes Vikings Photographer: The Museum Ribes Vikings Copyright: The museum Ribes Vikings
Conference lineup at Ribes Vikings Photographer: The Museum Ribes Vikings Copyright: The museum Ribes Vikings
A lady in the window on Ribes Vikings Photographer: The Museum Ribes Vikings Copyright: The museum Ribes Vikings