Fishing in Gels Å

Distance: 12.85 Km

 | +45 7461 8070  |  +45 2231 2431  | |  website  | 
Gels Å has 74 km of fishing bank and offers a very varied fishing, and it is not without reason that the stretch is the favorite fishing water of many anglers.

Try your luck and catch trout

In Gels Å you can catch delicious trout for your lunch or dinner. The area is surrounded by beautiful nature, and here is just the right atmosphere for a pleasant fishing trip. 

The large stock of trout and sea trout attracts many anglers to the area, and the beautiful nature also offers a nice walk in the area at Stensbæk Plantage. Here you will be inspired for some wonderful outdoor experiences. 

Minimum size for brook trout: 25 cm. 

Catch Limit: 5 trout fish per day. 

You can read more about the rules for fishing in Gels Å here

Fishing is allowed - from 16 April to 31 October, both days incl.

Find the best fishing spots here 

Updated by: Destination Sønderjylland - Haderslev |
Photographer: Bent Lauge Madsen