Black Sun - a natural phenomenon where starlings dance in the evening sky

Distance: 1.19 Km

The Black Sun phenomenon is a fantastic experience when hundreds of thousands of starlings dance a ballet in the evening sky above Ribe The marsh.

Black sun seasons are both in spring and autumn.

The seasons are March-April and September-October.

When the sun is black, you can see the dance of the starlings, which is determined by the number of birds of prey and the weather. The optimal conditions are a relatively quiet and dry evening, as well as an appropriate number of birds of prey, which help to create the beautiful formations in the sky. On a stormy and rainy evening without birds of prey, the starlings dive down quite quickly and retire for the night in the reed forest.

In spring and autumn flocks of many thousands of starlings can be seen resting in the reed forest in the area of Ribe Vesterå and from the bird tower at Ribe Østerå. IN Ribe In Østerå, you can experience a rich bird life throughout the year. 10 minutes walk from the railway station there is a handicap-friendly bird tower, with a fantastic view over the wetland.

Guided Black Sun tours - arranged by the Wadden Sea Center
Book your trip well in advance, as there are limited places on phone +45 75 44 61 61 or online booking

Remember the following on your Black Sun trip
Warm clothes, a jug of coffee, possibly. a pair of binoculars and patience.

On their own
Where and when can the phenomenon be experienced! It is difficult to say in advance exactly where the starlings have decided to roost on a given evening.

Possible locations by Ribe

Ribe Østerå - the bird tower. Parking at the end of Bøge Allé.

Ribe Østerå - Damhus. At main road 24 towards Haderslev, right next to the railway track.

Ribe Vesterå - Åslyngen on Bjerrumvej.

Vilslev Enge 

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
Black sun over Ribe Cathedral Photographer: Jens Karsten Jørgensen Copyright: Jens Karsten Jørgensen
Black Sun in the marsh by Ribe Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Ribe Cathedral and Black sun Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
The natural phenomenon Black Sun. Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast